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Vigilancia de communicaciones




If there is any issue with functionality of 911 Seguridad LLC on your mobile phone then we shall work with you to resolve the issue. If issue cannot be resolved only then will an exchange be issued we do not issue refunds. The customer is required to report the issue within 5 days of purchasing  911 Seguridad LLCs products. Customer bears the responsibility of installation of software on the target mobile phone that will be monitored. In the event a purchase is made under the false assumption that physical access is not needed to install the software on the target phone, 911 Seguridad LLC is not liable to issue any refund or exchanges.


Any questions or inquiries regarding refunds or exchanges  should be submitted by email to Our contact information is 911 Seguridad LLC  1 (855) 588-9888‬


If our product does not perform as advertised, please notify us within 72 hours of purchase. Our customer support staff is available and we do our very best to make sure the product performs as advertised.



Products qualifying for Free Shipping will be identified with “Free Standard Shipping”.Standard Shipping, will be defined as an estimated delivery time of 2-3 business days but all deliveries may take a maximum of 5-7 business days.​


By agreeing to our terms of service you agree to become a client for the period you have elected such as 1 month

All plans do not renew automatically at the completion of the billing term. To renew any service, you may send us an email to info@911 or call our 1 (855) 588-9888‬ customer service line.


Each license purchased is a single user account.  A single license may be installed and activated on multiple mobile devices that you own. However, a single license may be used simultaneously by only 1 mobile device.


End User License Agreement


It may be an offense to install monitoring/surveillance software onto a Phone/Computer which you do not own or have proper authorization to install. It may also be an offense in your jurisdiction to monitor the activities of other individuals. Check all state, federal and local laws before installing any Monitoring Software such as 911 Seguridad LLC. You may also have to notify a person that they are being monitored if they are over age 18. Federal or local law governs the use of some types of software; it is responsibility of the user to follow such laws. It is the responsibility of the service user to determine, and obey, all applicable laws in their country and/or local jurisdiction regarding the use of the software and services. The software and service is intended to provide the Licensee with the ability to capture, store and control their own access to information. By installing 911 Seguridad LLC Software on a mobile device, you represent that 911 Seguridad LLC will be used in only a lawful manner.


Accessing other people's mobile phones or computer or installing 911 Seguridad LLC on another person's phone without their knowledge can be considered as an illegal activity. 911 Seguridad LLC assumes no liability and is not responsible for any misuse or damage. It is the final user's responsibility to obey all laws in their country and/or State.

Regardless of the state, it is almost always illegal to record a conversation to which you are not a party, do not have consent to record and could not naturally overhear. Federal law and most state laws also make it illegal to disclose the contents of an illegally intercepted call or communication.


Your security and discretion is our primary concern. To give you complete confidence we have the following policies.
Identity Security


When you purchase our products, you will need to provide your name and billing address for your credit card. That information is used to authenticate your credit card purchase. This identifying information is not stored on our servers nor retained in any other manner. After your purchase the only way we have to contact you is the email address you provided for your Web ID. We also NEVER sell or give your email to any third party

Data Security


To ensure the absolute security of your data, we recommend you download your data regularly and delete it from your account. Unless you ask us otherwise, we automatically delete all data that is more that 90 days old. We also do not back up private data so you can rest assured that there is NO ONE who can access your data once it is gone. Please download your data regularly and delete what you don't need. If you wish us to keep your data longer than 90 days, just contact our support team to receive this service. Its free.

Legal Disclaimer


You acknowledge that you will only install the software on a device which you have a legitimate need to monitor, and have a legal right to do so. You agree that you are responsible for how you use the software, and will comply with all relevant laws in your area. You also acknowledge that neither 911 Seguridad LLC, nor any of its agents or affiliates may be held liable for any type of damage, litigation or other legal action which may arise from your purchase, installation or use of 911 Seguridad LLC.


In order for our company to provide you with all of the benefits of our products, we must store data from the target mobile device on our company’s computer server system. You should understand that any data recorded on the target phone, will be transmitted to our company’s computer server system. We take great pride in the trust that you have placed with our company to keep this data secure. Our company has taken painstaking efforts to ensure that this data will be secure. You will be the only person who has access to the data transmitted by the target phone to our company’s computer server system. You will be given a secure login and password so that you may access this data. DO NOT GIVE THIS LOGIN AND PASSWORD TO ANYONE ELSE.


We do not share personal data with anyone. We do not provide your identifying names, addresses, telephone numbers or any other information stored on our company’s computer server system to anyone but you. The information we collect is used exclusively to provide you with our services. We do not have any agreements with outside organizations to collect personal information at our website. We never share children's personal information with any third party.

Limitation of Warranty and Damages


We do not manage the data, nor control distribution of data, nor access personal data captured or stored on servers and databases we provide. We cannot, and have no responsibility to, access, recover, retrieve or read any data or information captured by Licensee or other party use of the software and service. The publisher and vendor make no warranty, assume no liability, and are not responsible in any way for any misuse or damage caused by using the software or services. The software user must accept all risk and liability for use. Use of the software and service constitutes acceptance of these terms & conditions and grants indemnification of the software supplier. All trademark, copyright images and wordmarks displayed on this website are property of their respective owners.


18 U.S.C. §1030(g) provides that "[a]ny person who suffers damage or loss by reason of a violation of this section may maintain a civil action against the violator to obtain compensatory damages and injunctive relief or other equitable relief." The act defines "damage" as "any impairment to the integrity or availability of data, a program, a system, or information" and defines "loss" as "any reasonable cost to any victim, including the cost of responding to an offense, conducting a damage assessment, and restoring the data, program, system, or information to its condition prior to the offense, and any revenue lost, cost incurred, or other consequential damages incurred because of interruption of service."

Las consideraciones legales que debe hacer Antes de comenzar a rastrear

El rastreo por GPS es una forma fácil y económica de monitorear a una persona, vehículo o activo. Con un esfuerzo mínimo, puede saber dónde está alguien, dónde ha estado, a dónde va y qué tan rápido viaja. El GPS es una excelente opción para los padres preocupados por el hecho de que sus hijos lleguen a la escuela de manera segura o por los dueños de negocios que buscan optimizar su flota de vehículos. Sin embargo, antes de decidir comenzar a rastrear, es importante tener en cuenta la legalidad de su solución GPS.


Para empezar, es completamente legal usar un dispositivo de rastreo GPS en cualquier vehículo o activo que posea. Pero antes de usar un dispositivo de rastreo GPS en la persona, vehículo o propiedad de otra persona, debe investigar un poco sobre las leyes federales, estatales y locales vigentes.


Continuamente se vuelven a abordar las leyes a medida que aparecen nuevos casos en el mundo legal, por lo que es importante mantenerse actualizado sobre estos cambios. A partir de ahora, esto es lo que los ciudadanos privados deben saber sobre el rastreo GPS y la ley: Generalmente es legal usar un dispositivo de rastreo GPS si: Usted o su organización son dueños del vehículo o activo a rastrear Usted posee el activo que podría tomarse sin su permiso Sus hijos (menores de 18 años) son el foco del seguimiento Usted está rastreando un automóvil o un activo con el fin de la recuperación legal en caso de incumplimiento de un préstamo Generalmente es ilegal usar un dispositivo de rastreo GPS si: Usted no es el propietario del automóvil y no tiene el derecho legal de rastrearlo Estás intentando rastrear a un novio o novia en su propio automóvil 

Casos judiciales que han cambiado las leyes de GPS

Desde la introducción de los rastreadores GPS en el mercado, se han multiplicado los casos judiciales y demandas judiciales que abordan los usos éticos y legales de estos dispositivos para monitorear los movimientos de otros. Algunos de estos casos han abordado la legalidad de los funcionarios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley que usan estos dispositivos para rastrear a ciudadanos privados, mientras que otros se han preocupado de que los civiles los usen para rastrear a sus seres queridos, empleados, niños y otros. El diálogo sobre este tema continúa mientras la tecnología avanza y las aplicaciones para rastreadores aumentan.


En 2012, la Corte Suprema dictaminó que el gobierno y los agentes de la ley no pueden instalar dispositivos GPS en una persona o propiedad de una persona por sospecha de infracción de la ley, a menos que se obtenga una orden judicial primero. La ley federal no ha abordado específicamente si es legal o ilegal que un ciudadano privado rastree a otra persona, vehículo o propiedad, pero varios estados han abordado la cuestión. Por ejemplo, en California, Texas, Virginia y Minnesota, es legal usar un rastreador GPS en un vehículo siempre que el propietario del vehículo haya dado su consentimiento, mientras que en Wisconsin, por ejemplo, una persona podría enfrentar cargos criminales por usar un Rastreador GPS en el vehículo de otra persona sin permiso.


Es importante consultar las leyes locales y estatales, o hablar con un abogado para cualquier aclaración. Algunos casos judiciales que han sido fundamentales en los cambios de ley o el diálogo legal en curso incluyen: Elgin v. Coca-Cola Bottling Co. en 2005: en este caso, el vehículo emitido por la empresa de un empleado estaba siendo rastreado durante y fuera del horario laboral. El reclamo del empleado fue rechazado porque el vehículo era propiedad de la compañía. Tubbs v. Wynn Transport en 2007: un caso en el que se rastreó el vehículo propiedad de la empresa de un empleado sin su conocimiento.


La decisión se puso del lado del empleador que era propietario del vehículo y que, según el tribunal, tenía todo el derecho de rastrear su paradero. Estados Unidos v. Jones en 2011: este caso se produjo después de que la policía colocó un rastreador GPS en el vehículo de un presunto narcotraficante. La evidencia obtenida mediante el uso del rastreador GPS fue suficiente para condenar a Jones, pero los tribunales terminaron resolviendo contra la policía, calificándola como una violación de los derechos de la Cuarta Enmienda de Jones. Jones ya no está cumpliendo su sentencia de prisión.


Cunningham v. Departamento de Trabajo de Nueva York en 2013: en este caso, el vehículo personal de un empleado estaba siendo rastreado incluso después de horas, sin su conocimiento. Sin embargo, este empleado había sido disciplinado previamente por informes de tiempo falsificados. El tribunal falló a favor del empleador ya que la evidencia del GPS mostraba claramente que el empleado estaba falsificando su tiempo de trabajo.

Estados Unidos v. Jones en 2011: este caso se produjo después de que la policía colocó un rastreador GPS en el vehículo de un presunto narcotraficante. La evidencia obtenida mediante el uso del rastreador GPS fue suficiente para condenar a Jones, pero los tribunales terminaron resolviendo contra la policía, calificándola como una violación de los derechos de la Cuarta Enmienda de Jones. Jones ya no está cumpliendo su sentencia de prisión. Cunningham v. Departamento de Trabajo de Nueva York en 2013: en este caso, el vehículo personal de un empleado estaba siendo rastreado incluso después de horas, sin su conocimiento. Sin embargo, este empleado había sido disciplinado previamente por informes de tiempo falsificados.


El tribunal falló a favor del empleador ya que la evidencia del GPS mostraba claramente que el empleado estaba falsificando su tiempo de trabajo. Estados Unidos v. Katzin en 2013: un caso en el que la policía colocó un rastreador GPS en el vehículo de un hombre sospechoso de una cadena de robos. Los cargos contra los hermanos Katzin fueron finalmente retirados porque el tribunal decidió que se trataba de una violación de la Cuarta Enmienda por parte de la policía. Es evidente que las leyes sobre el rastreo por GPS están más desarrolladas en áreas donde la policía y los funcionarios del gobierno las están utilizando en ciudadanos privados. En el uso de ciudadano a ciudadano, incluso en el caso de empleados y empleadores, las leyes son más laxas e indefinidas.

La legalidad del seguimiento para la policía y los investigadores privados con licencia

Es importante saber que las leyes que rigen el rastreo GPS por parte de agentes gubernamentales, policías o ciudadanos privados no son definitivas. La Cuarta Enmienda y otras leyes estatales y federales otorgan a los residentes de los Estados Unidos ciertas protecciones a su privacidad, incluidos límites estrictos a la búsqueda e incautación ilegales. Pero no hay nada en la Constitución que aborde específicamente la tecnología de rastreo GPS, o muchas otras formas de vigilancia electrónica.


El Tribunal Supremo y varios tribunales inferiores emitieron fallos sobre el rastreo por GPS en 2012 y 2013, pero esas decisiones abordaron usos limitados de la tecnología por parte de la policía y los empleadores, respectivamente. Los tribunales no abordaron el uso de dispositivos de rastreo GPS por parte de ciudadanos privados o investigadores privados y no se hicieron enmiendas federales a las leyes existentes. Si bien ha habido casos en los últimos años que abordan el uso de dispositivos de rastreo GPS en el sector privado, las decisiones han sido en gran medida inconsistentes.

La única similitud entre ellos es que, en general, cuando el propietario del vehículo o activo es la persona que autorizó el uso del dispositivo de rastreo GPS, la ley está de su lado. Con su reciente fallo sobre el rastreo de GPS por parte de la policía, la Corte Suprema dejó muchas preguntas sin respuesta. Pero los jueces señalaron que estaban listos para profundizar en los problemas de vigilancia electrónica. Puede leer más sobre la decisión de la Corte Suprema de 2012 aquí. haga clic aquí


Privacy Policy

Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies


As is true of most Web sites, but subject to your browser settings, we gather certain information automatically and store it in log files. This information includes internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, operating system, date/time stamp and clickstream data.


We use this information, which does not identify individual users, to analyze trends, to administer the site, to track users’ movements around the site and to gather demographic information about our user base as a whole. We do not link this automatically-collected data to personally identifiable information. We use a third-party tracking service, Google Analytics, that uses cookies to track aggregate non-personally identifiable information about visitors to our site such as number of visits, searched pages and browser type to improve our website and customer experience.


What are cookies?


Cookies save a file to an Internet user's computer and store a limited amount of information. For example, some cookies help us remember your computer and streamline the login process, some are used to authenticate you as a user on our systems, and some cookies help us deliver advertising that is more customized to your needs on our Web site and the Web sites of our partners. A cookie can either be stored in your computer's memory temporarily and automatically deleted when you close your Web browser (a "session" cookie) or placed on your hard drive (a "persistent" cookie) by a Web server. A persistent cookie is not deleted when the browser is closed and will stay in one of your browser's subfolders until you delete it manually or your browser deletes it based on an expiration period setting contained within the persistent cookie's programming.

How Do I Opt Out of Cookies?


You do have control over cookies. Most Web browsers can be set to notify you when an HTML cookie is being placed on your computer. You can manually delete HTML cookies and set most browsers to refuse to accept HTML cookies, although doing so may affect your website experience.

COPPA Statement to Parents and Guardians


This is the website of 911 Seguridad LLC. We can be reached via e-mail at email.

In order for our company to provide you with all of the benefits of our products, we must store data from the target mobile device on our company’s computer server system. You should understand that any data recorded on the target phone, will be transmitted to our company’s computer server system. We take great pride in the trust that you have placed with our company to keep this data secure. Our company has taken painstaking efforts to ensure that this data will be secure. You will be the only person who has access to the data transmitted by the target phone to our company’s computer server system. You will be given a secure login and password so that you may access this data. DO NOT GIVE THIS LOGIN AND PASSWORD TO ANYONE ELSE.


We do not share personal data with anyone. We do not provide your identifying names, addresses, telephone numbers or any other information stored on our company’s computer server system to anyone but you.

By downloading our software, we have express consent from you to store target phone data. The information we collect is used exclusively to provide you with our services. We do not have any agreements with outside organizations to collect personal information at our website. We never share children's personal information with any third party.


Should you want to withdraw your consent for the storage of this data at any time, contact us by e-mail at: email. We will not release any personal information of children under the age of 13 to persons claiming to be those children's parents without verification that the child's parent is requesting the information. If we make any material change to this notice or the informational practices with regard to children that were in effect when your consent to the collection of your child's personal information was obtained, we will, as required by law, send you a new notice and request your consent. We take seriously our obligation to safeguard the confidentiality, security and integrity of personal information collected from our customers, and have established and will maintain procedures that are designed for that purpose. Children and parents should be aware, however, that no system is completely secure from hackers, network failure and error, and we cannot guarantee the confidentiality, security and integrity of information maintained on our service.

 Finally, it is important to us that members and their parents understand our policy and practices concerning the collection, disclosure and use of our members' personal information. We encourage you to carefully read our Privacy Policy, and if you have any questions about our information practices, please contact us by e-mail at:  email; by telephone at the number set forth above; or by mail at the address specified above. 

Additional legal disclaimer

We are a referral service. We are not a private investigation firm. All of our agents are independent contractors.
Our agents are mainly in charge of Installation and removal GPS devices and filming, If you wish to use a private investigator price will vary from $50 to $100 per hour And are available as well. What we are a company dedicated to help you investigate cases Infidelity in the fastest most economical way possible wear urine control every step of the way.

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